Affton Hockey News

12U PeeWee Rosters 2023-24

Below are the 12U PeeWee team rosters for 2023-24. We look forward to a great season of hockey! PeeWee 1 will play at the A1 level. Levels for PeeWee 2 through 6 will be determined following declaration season. We are finalizing coaches and managers for all PeeWee teams and will send complete information for each team on Monday, August 28.

PeeWee #1

Coach Damien Vehlewald

Cannon, Coltan
Cooper, Blake
Dragan, Damian
Frisella, Joe
Gallant, Drew
Jaycox, Gaige
Kaiser, Gannon
Lally, Mark
Maxwell, Mason
Medeiros, Stephen
Oppermann, Miles
Smith, Reid
St. Clair, Anderson
Tilley, Owen
Vehlewald, Mason
Wagner, Chance

PeeWee #2

Coach Mark Paluczak

Bosqui, Jaxon
Cordes, Ryan
Doermer, Lamere
Duree, James
Ehrlich, Westin
Kornfeld, Kyle
Paluczak, Jacob
Pechacek, Jackson
Sander, Kyle
Simos, Alex
Spiguzza, Mason
Spiros, Christopher
Welker, Thomas
Wozniak, Tyler
Zysk, Nate

PeeWee #3

Coach Chris Shatto

Carosello, Anthony
Dix, Landry
Donnelly, Cody
Frein, Wyatt
Hilgendorf, Bryson
Jenkerson, Matthew
Jenkerson, William
Martin, Joey
Myers, Jackson
Naeger, Maxim
Palmer, William
Shatto, Caiden
Wagner, Ryan
Wampler, Joey

PeeWee #4

Coach Marty Madigan

Behlmann, Jamisen
Dame, Thomas
Edwards, Jackson
French, Coleson
Huelsing, Joe
Jennings, Joseph
Keeven III, Thomas
Madigan IV, Martin
Mark, Gabe
Oppelz, Dominic
Puellmann, Ethan
Signorino, Leo
Singler, Nolan
Springett, Liam

PeeWee #5

Coach Dave Ruggeri

Applebaum, Ralph
Carter, Cole
Cave, Charlie
Delmez, Logan
Dorsey, Nolan
Dunn, Colin
Fipps, Ethan
Kriedt, Mason
Kujawa, Lance
Meyer, Alexander
Roberts, Lincoln
Ruggeri, Matteo
Southerland, Chase
Thompson, Justin
Wilson, William

PeeWee #6

Coach Mark Rosenkranz

Camera, Anthony
Erlich, Zach
Griffiths, Jack
Hickel, Thomas
Krahl, Liam
Kraus, Levi
Kronenberger, Noah
Lipford, Sawyer
Mesnier, Alexander
Peyton, Joseph
Phillips, Maxwell
Philo, Sebastian
Rosenkranz, Burke
Sauter, Benjamin
Shellabarger, Matthew
Vitale, Dominic
Wolters, Garrett

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