
Hockey News

Fall Conditioning Camp

Affton Hockey News

Affton Hockey offers four conditioning skates in August leading up to Affton Club Hockey evaluations. The program is run by highly qualified and certified Affton Americans coaches and helps players prepare for evaluations. All Mite through Bantam players registered with Affton Hockey are invited to attend. Cost is $75. Click here to register. MITE ADM (2016 & Younger) Monday, August…

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Register for Midget AA Club Hockey Tryouts

Affton Hockey News

Affton Americans Midget AA program features teams at the U18AA, U16AA and U16A level for players interested in playing competitive hockey with other local organizations as well as out-of-town tournaments. Midget AA program is open district and all 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 birth year players are invited to tryout. Players will receive approximately 25 home ice touches in addition…

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Affton Americans Midget U16 CSDHL Prospects Roster

Affton Hockey News

Congratulations to the following players named to the Affton Americans Midget U16 CSDHL Prospects team for the 2024-25 season. Rostered players should attend the next practice skate on June 29 at 4:30 pm at Affton Ice Rink. Thank you to all the players who participated in tryouts and good luck with the upcoming season. Please contact Affton Americans Midget U16 CSDHL Prospects Head…

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Kayla Fillier Joins Lady Liberty 16U Elite Staff

Lady Liberty News

Kayla Fillier, a forward with the Princeton University Women’s Ice Hockey team from 2018 to 2023, is joining Lady Liberty 16U Elite as an Assistant Coach. During her collegiate career, Fillier won the Ivy League Championship in 2019 and East Collegiate Athletic Conference (ECAC) Championship in 2020. Fillier is a three-time ECAC All Academic award recipient for her excellence in…

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Affton Americans 14U Bantam and 12U PeeWee CSDHL Prospects Tryouts

Affton Hockey News

Affton Hockey will field teams at both the 14U Bantam and 12U PeeWee CSDHL Prospects level. Teams will compete in the Chicago-based Central States Developmental Hockey League in addition to the local Missouri Hockey league at the A1 level. Teams receive approximately 75 hours of home ice in addition to away games, tournaments, and league playoffs. Teams must finish in…

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