Midget Elite tryouts will be held Tuesday, May 4, at the Affton Ice Rink. Players should check in and get a tryout number before going to the changing rooms. Please attend the ice time for your player’s birth year:
5:30 pm – 2006 players
6:40 pm – 2005 players
7:50 pm – 2004 & 2003 players
Teams rosters and schedules will be emailed to all registered participants and posted on the website by the end of the week. The first games will be held Sunday, May 9, at 5:15 pm, 6:30 pm, and 7:45 pm at All American.
Please direct questions to Affton Midget CSDHL Director Dan Pettibone at dan.pettibone@gmail.com or 314-952-0214.